In my work as an individual and couples therapist, the goal is to help clients develop emotional intelligence. Emotional Intelligence is necessary to help people grow more conscious and evolve in their personal and professional lives. In his book “Emotional Intelligence,” Daniel Goleman determines that “EQ counts for twice as much as IQ and technical skills combined in determining who will be successful.”

Mark Manson writes an article on the importance of developing your emotional intelligence and how you can  work on and develop it like a muscle or a skill. His article “5 Skills to Help you Develop Emotional Intelligence”  is a great read and you can find it here. 

To learn more about our couples and marriage counseling services, click here.

If you’re struggling in your relationship, call 917-273-8836 or contact us for a complimentary consultation to learn more about couples and marriage counseling in NYC and how we can help you.