Prenuptial Agreements are growing increasingly more popular and common regardless of age and income. People are anxious and want to ensure that they are secure in their marriage since the reality is that 50% of marriages end in divorce. 

Studies have shown that premarital counseling can drastically lower your chance of divorce. Many churches and religious leaders encourage premarital counseling for couples because it lowers the risk of divorce. 

Keep reading to learn more reasons you should consider premarital counseling before you get married. 

1. Learn Strategies on How to Communicate: Premarital counseling teaches you and your partner how to talk about sensitive issues. Each partner needs to understand their individual way of approaching conflict and how to compromise and resolve conflict. You learn that you don’t always have to solve the problems, but the key is to process each partner’s subjective experience and work through the emotions.

2. Do you have the same Future Plans: Premarital Counseling helps you and your partner have honest discussions around the issues of religion, children and traditions. You need to know how you both feel about children and how many you want? how will they be handled? where you want to live? It’s important to have these talks to prevent conflict in the future.

3. Discuss Money and Debt: It’s critical to talk about money and debt before you get married. Each partner needs to disclose debts and how you will be paying them. Premarital counseling helps partners understand expectations when it comes to finances. You want to learn if there is a discrepancy in your income and will you join or keep separate accounts. If you are joining accounts, both partners need to be on the same page on how you want to spend money. 

4. Learn how to Argue/Fight-Premarital counseling helps you address how to deal with issues and disagreements before and when they arise. You learn how to de-escalate and make sure little problems don’t turn into major fights. You learn ways to work through issues instead of allowing feelings to fester and resentment to grow. This is extremely important in creating a satisfying marriage.

5. Nurture your Sex Life-A premarital counselor can help you and your partner figure out how to deal with issues related to if there is little or no sex in your relationship and the possible factors causing the problem. You and your partner need to constantly nurture your sex life and carve out time for intimacy dates. This can help you to re-establish the closeness and sexual desire you once had and want with your partner.

6. Discuss Roles and Responsibilities-You and your partner want to discuss how you will share responsibilities in the household. You need to discuss; does your career impact how much time you will spend at home or with the children? Will you both keep working when you have children? If you are entering a second marriage and your partner has children from a previous marriage, what are the boundaries when it comes to discipline? Premarital counseling will help you sort out these important issues so you can relieve anxieties as you move forward together into marriage.

7. Discuss In-laws and Boundaries: Premarital counseling can help you find common ground and establish boundaries when it comes to in-laws and family members. You want to have open discussions on who will you be spending the holidays with, and which holidays are you spending with which set of family? Both partners need to discuss the expectations of how close or distant you want to be with in-laws and family members. It’s important that you negotiate these issues so both partners feel satisfied.

If you and your partner are interested in learning more about our Premarital Counseling services in New York or want to schedule an in person or Telehealth/Online Session CLICK HERE.