Every parent out there is undeniably familiar with the overwhelming exhaustion, both physical and emotional, that comes with raising children. However, seeing as you’re in it for the long haul, it is of utmost importance to discover ways of seeing through even the thickest of this fog, as it were, to maintain a healthy relationship and a level of intimacy with your partner.

Through a pregnancy, it’s helpful for both partners to take some time to read up on expectations, including physical intimacy that might be reasonable following birth. Both sides need to be extra-careful to be understanding of the other’s physical and emotional needs. While rumor and majority have it that the woman generally goes through more changes during this period, men also need to be included as participants in this process.

Here is some relationship advice and tips to help you get through this trying time:

Remember, you’re the same people you were before, plus responsibility and different titles.

Get creative! Time of day, location, scheduling is not set in stone.

Be understanding. Spontaneity may not be an option sometimes. A back rub might be necessary. Compliments on all sides are a must.

Keep smiling! Life as parents has its ups and downs. Smile and laugh as much as you can and so far as the hard parts go. know that they’re finite.

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