Divorce or a Breakup can be difficult depending on the length of time and seriousness of the relationship. The thoughts and emotions people generally experience after a breakup or divorce may be feelings of loss, rejection, detection, sadness, anger and other feelings that are associated with the mourning process.

It’s important to process and talk through the relationship with friends and/or family so you can learn valuable lessons about yourself and your partner. You want to ask yourself, “what kind of relationship did I attract?” “What kinds of issues did we have?” “What were my triggers?” “What did I contribute to the relationship both positive and negative?”

Divorce or breakup counseling can facilitate the necessary steps you need to go through as you work though the ending of the relationship. You may learn that you have deeper unresolved issues and want to seek counseling to work through your triggers and heal old wounds.

Working on our deeper issues can help break old habits and attract a healthier partner. As you grow more conscious and aware of the issues and patterns from your past, you can be ready for a more evolved relationship.

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