How would you like to improve your relationship as a couple in the year ahead?  When couples create relationship resolutions together, they shape the growth of their relationship in thoughtful ways that benefit the relationship for many years to come.  If you’ve never set resolutions together as a couple, here are a few relationship resolutions to consider:

Cook Together More

How does the current cooking schedule and responsibility affect your relationship?  By talking about how your current cooking routines and responsibilities affect your relationship, you can begin to dialogue about areas for improvement and hidden burdens that may be getting swept under the kitchen rug when both of you are in the habit of repeating the same routine.  Perhaps there’s room to contribute more, or pull back on expectations that have a larger impact on your relationship together.

Create Regular Date Nights

Do you have a hard time being in the same place at the same time?  Setting a regular time to go out together can help contribute to your connection and intimacy beyond each date.  Even with unpredictable schedules, setting time aside each week helps you honor your commitment to supporting each other and being supported in your relationship.  Date nights can be opportunities to have conversations that get lost in the daily hustle, or a chance to explore adventures and new things together that you wouldn’t otherwise do alone.

Workout Together

Would you like more walks or runs together?  When it’s a challenge to make time for meals, or dates, perhaps it’s a higher priority to workout together and keep each other motivated to stay fit and active.  Consider what time of day and frequency of workouts would work best for both of you to make a regular commitment to being active together.

More Vacations Together

Would you like to plan a big vacation together?  Planning something fun to look forward to each year can help keep the excitement and spark alive when the daily hustle starts to feel too routine.  Consider whether it’s easier to plan one big outing, or if frequent smaller vacations make your time together feel more exciting.

Start Your Relationship Resolutions Today

Whatever your relationship resolutions are, don’t let another year go by without taking time to share them with each other.  Discussing resolutions early creates a path to growth for your relationship in the years ahead.  Start now by sharing this post with your partner to get the conversation started.

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If you’re struggling in your relationship, call 917-273-8836 or contact us for a complimentary consultation to learn more about couples and marriage counseling in NYC and how we can help you.